Just like the majority of outdoor, travel, and landscape photographers I love to take photos during the golden hours and blue hours, and until a conversation with a friend...
I had great plans for sunrise on Sunday morning, just like a large percentage of landscape photographers. With sunrise being at 5:10 am I knew that getting up at just before...
I headed to Dartmoor at the weekend for sunrise. It was the Ten Tors weekend so after checking the maps I decided to head for the East of the moor where the event didn’t...
Looking out of the window from home I could see that the clouds were already tinged with the hues of sunset and checking the Westward Ho! webcams it was pretty clear that...
After photographing Saddle Tor and the rocks to the north I headed to the Emsworthy barn. I was hoping to see some sort of sign of an abundance of bluebells that resemble...
Sometimes it feels like the odds are really stacked against you as a landscape photographer and this trip to Saddle Tor on Dartmoor was one of those days. Having pulled myself...
I found myself at Minehead in Somerset photographing the sea markers that decorate the bay yesterday. I had been cooped up in the house for days after being ill and needed...
When I changed my tripod head I improved as a photographer. This sounds like a bold statement, but for me I really think it was true. Investing in a serious tripod can be a costly...
I headed to Dartmoor for a photography trip with my sons on Good Friday; the weather for forecast for then was about the best during the long weekend with the impending landing...
After spending some of the morning in Brixham with our cameras my son and I headed to Dartmoor National Park. I wouldn’t normally entertain taking that many photos during...
At the weekend I returned to Crow Point with my sons to photograph the Braunton Burrows, the beach, and of course the shipwreck that rests in the sand on the point. The...
My alarm started to go off at 4:30 am. This was already cutting it quite fine for getting to the south Coast of Devon for the sunrise. Thankfully I pulled myself out of bed at 4:40...