Looking out of the window from home I could see that the clouds were already tinged with the hues of sunset and checking the Westward Ho! webcams it was pretty clear that the potential for a stunning sunset was there. Having not got out for any decent amount of photography over the weekend I finally convinced myself to get myself out of the door to try my luck for the last hour of the day.
When I got to Westward Ho! the best of the clouds had been replaced my more substantial, angrier clouds. I wasn’t too bothered though because they were very dramatic. With the tide almost fully in I had a small area to work in around the scaffolding that is in place at the moment while the swimming pool is being repaired. There were a few compositions possible so all was good. Over the next half hour I took several seascape photos while trying to avoid the waves as they splashed against the rocks. Despite the wind I really enjoyed it and the sky was great. I liked the large body of rock in this photo and the way the water was coursing through and around it. The photo was taken on my Canon EOS 5D Mark 2, Canon 16-35 F4 IS and a Lee 0.9 hard ND graduated filter.
In other news, I have changed the domain of the website again. This is the last move for it for the foreseeable future. I thought that the dot com and my full name was more appropriate for branding in the long run. The downside to changing domains is the loss of social media sharing stats. That’s why I thought it was better to just get the move over and done with, rather than losing even more stats down the line.