With spring underway, traditional landscape photography has been very difficult for many. The UK lock down has meant that a lot of photographers are having to look for new local scenes to capture, either at home or while out during exercise. This does mean that there are a lot less cliché spring shots flooding social media though. Hopefully, a lot of people are able to find new ways to stimulate their creativity under the current constraints. This is a great time to try something new or find some unique compositions near your home.
The lock down does mean that there is plenty of time for me to look through my library at the huge percentage of photographs that I have never edited. This photo is one of them. I took it on a stormy day at Hartland Quay. While browsing my photo library, the chaos around the rock formation in this image reminded me that the world is weathering its own storm. There will be a beautiful dawn when the storm has passed. It’ seems so far away, but I am sure we will get there. Stay safe everyone.