I headed to Dartmoor for a photography trip with my sons on Good Friday; the weather for forecast for then was about the best during the long weekend with the impending landing...
After spending some of the morning in Brixham with our cameras my son and I headed to Dartmoor National Park. I wouldn’t normally entertain taking that many photos during...
King’s Tor is one of the tors that I need to revisit on Dartmoor. The last time I was there, I got wet feet which wasn’t pleasant as the weather was freezing at the time!...
I went to Dartmoor at the weekend for an afternoon of photography and to capture a sunset if the light was favourable. I took my eldest son who was collecting ideas for his art projects....
Having seen the forecast for snow on the higher reaches of Dartmoor on Valentine’s Day morning, I was determined to make my there for the morning to take photos of the snow....
As has been the norm so far this year, it was raining again at the weekend. I headed to Dartmoor on Sunday in the small window of time where there were showers forecast rather...
There are plenty of trees on Dartmoor, but this one was particularly pleasing on the eye as the sun was setting below the hill behind me. I took this photo at Nun’s...
I often make my way back down to the car long after the sun has set; On this occasion the light wasn’t looking very promising at all; the rain was coming and going,...
It’s getting to about that time where we can expect the odd flurry of snow here in the south west of England. While it will send plenty of people into panic mode for us landscape...
The rain has literally put a dampener on a lot of photographer’s plans to take photos. Especially during the Christmas break, and I was no different. I had a day off work...
I haven’t managed to get out with my camera for a couple of weeks. Between the weather and trying to fit everything in during the run up to Christmas is quite a challenge!...
I took this photo of Nun’s Cross Farm on Dartmoor after the sun had disappeared below the horizon. I love the subtle twilight tones as the night crept across the moor....