I often make my way back down to the car long after the sun has set; On this occasion the light wasn’t looking very promising at all; the rain was coming and going, and my 8 year old son was complaining about the cold bless him!
The sun made a last ditch attempt to break through the clouds
On the way down from Great Staple Tor towards Middle Staple Tor, the sun made a last ditch attempt to break through the clouds which was spectacular. Because of where we were, going back up the hill to Great Staple Tor wasn’t and option. Instead, I focused on the middle one. Much to my delight there was someone on top of the tor taking photos and enjoying the glorious view that had just emerged. The person added a great sense of scale to the image; the icing on the cake was how the golden sunlight was almost angled perfectly to the person and the rocks.
This photo was taken using with my 70-200; I am really getting into landscape photography with a longer lens and think it has been really refreshing, seeing scenes in a whole new way. I think it is very easy for photographers to get too heavily focussed on shooting wide angle for landscapes; try different focal lengths! I am still a huge fan of 17mm on full frame though.