At dawn, looking across Loch Loyne the scene was peaceful. The low light meant that the auto ISO on my G7X was quite high. However, the noise adds to the mood of the shot....
With the rain pouring over Loch Awe, the visibility was a bit worse than Scotch mist. However, the scene it created was phenomenal. The view was vast, with this composition...
Even on the wettest of days, looking across the Scottish lochs will reward you with the most atmospheric scenes that you can imagine. In this scene the rain was pouring heavily...
Standing on the shore of Loch Droma in the Scottish Highlands, I watched the sun set behind Meall Leacachain. The weather had looked like a break in the clouds wasn’t...
On the shore of Loch Glascarnoch in the North West of Scotland I found this tree. Barely holding on to life from some of its lower branches, I was instantly drawn to it. I knew...
The rain had lightened after being consistent for most of the day. Despite it still being cloudy, I headed out with my son to look for a viewpoint in case the cloud broke. We...
I headed to Loch Garry after photographing Loch Loyne in my previous post. The loch was totally obscured by the thick morning mist (or cloud inversion) that extended across...
As I headed out of our holiday cottage in the Scottish Highlands way before 5am I was still a little daunted by the thought of trying to capture everything around me. Being...
I have just returned from a holiday in Scotland with my family. While we were there I was keen to make the most of the amazing scenery with my camera where possible. We rented...